Most of my patients had been going through ÎVF cycles and did not have positive results.

I have conducted a retrospective analysis of some patients successfully treated with pure acupuncture and found that most of these patients were transfer failures.


From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the emphasis is on liver-qi incomfort, liver-qi stagnation, and liver fire flame up.


It is easy to have anxiety, such as not sleeping well the night before transfer, worrying about failure, cold hands and feet, irritability, worry, etc. before transfer.


Infertility is a crisis of the deepest kind. For some families, children are the bond that maintains the integrity of the family. For the family who spend all their money to do lVF, and even in some families, lVF is the last straw to save marriage or partnership. It threatens many aspects of a couple’s life.


It is understandable to be nervous.  Anxiety often leads to the secretion of many hormones, such as adrenaline, which can cause uterine contractions.  I have seen patients like this. Just before the transfer, the ET cycle had to be terminated.


However, uterine contractions never occurred in the subsequent acupuncture treatment cycle, and they became pregnant smoothly. Such patients are suitable for IVF acupuncture.


In other patients, blood heat, (sputum) damp-heat content, such as inflammatory constitution (immune-endocrine: hormone level imbalance, intestinal microbial balance imbalance, inflammation, high blood viscosity, and egg quality are affected, which affects the  In patients with intracavitary anti-implantation, etc., such as endometriosis, PCOS, or drug-induced estrogen levels are too high, not only the egg quality is affected, but the implantation rate is low.


For some patients, the use of acupuncture, suction, moxibustion, heat stimulation, as well as dietary modifications, can improve the inflammatory condition by improving metabolism, balancing intestinal flora in order to achieving immune balance, and even endocrine balance. It  makes pregnancy possible. Some young patients can also become pregnant naturally.


I used to treat a patient with severe arthritis. She used nearly 10 different drugs for a long while and had failed IUI many times. After half a year of acupuncture and dietary modifications, She stopped taking all drugs except 5mg dexamethasone and got pregnant naturally.  Most of these patients with moderate and severe conditions require long-term adjustments. They are good candidates for the application of Chinese medicine.


Fertility acupuncture can be adapted to treat POI or POF patients, which may be related to the  adjustment of neuroendocrine mediators through acupuncture and moxibustion to promote ovulation and achieve natural pregnancy or ÎVF.  There were many successful cases in our clinic. But it is more effective to combine with Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment plan.

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